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The Vitaphone: Game Changer Part 1


Sound plays a fundamental role in the way that we tell our stories today. But this was not always the case. Company's started producing films towards the end of the 1870s, by using multiple cameras lined up and set to capture a subject seconds after the next. The first subject captured was a horse galloping. A decade later a 2.11-second film called Roundhay Garden Scene. The oldest surviving in existence (What Was the First Movie Ever Made? 2017). As moving pictures continued to develop; companies started to emerge. Companies like Gaumont Film Company 1895. Pathé 1896, Paramount Pictures 1912, Universal Studios 1912, and Warner Brothers 1912 (6 oldest film production companies, 2015). In the beginning, Films were silent, except for orchestras playing music in the theatres. This period was the era of "Silent Films', and for a long time was entertaining for many people.

The introduction of Recording sound in the 1850s changed the game—the inventor Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville. Martinville developed a device called a Phonautograph ( 2019). This device collected and recorded the vibrations that a sound source omitted and recorded it to a wax cylinder. But this device didn't allow for playback. Till Thomas Edison took that idea, altered it and released a new version that allowed for playback in the 1870s.

As the world moved forward technologically, so did the film industry. We own thanks to Lee de Forest, the Company AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph Company) and the Warner Brothers.

The combination of sound to film all started 1926 with the introduction of the

VITAPHONE. The Vitaphone is the device that enabled sound to play alongside the film strip. The Warner Brothers first introduce this device during a presentation of a film called Don Juan (Tinubu, A. 2018). This film was the first to have the music played without the use of an Orchestra. Then in 1927 the Jazz Singer with a musical track and the first-ever dialogue with only 350 words. Boom, the start of the "Talkies" era.

The Vitaphone used a wax cylinder with pre-recorded sound and played in time with the film strip. There were issues with the Vitaphone which lead to its downfall. The Big one was syncing issues. By the end of 1930, productions of a new device amended the syncing issues. But that device owes its life to the Vitaphone

This report will look at the way that this game-changer changed the film and audio industry. The responses of the general public. The disruption to the industry that was caused by this new technology. The soft and hard skills utilised, introduced and developed from the introduction, through to today's audio standards.



Films were for everyone. Everyone who wanted to hear stories. Anyone wishing to escape their reality. Today it is still considered to be a popular pastime for the general population. These stories are starting to be more adapted to suit different majorities of people from age to gender, from cultures to believes. Today we have a range of separate studio that market to other cultures. Like the British and Europian Cinema, Asia cinema and Bollywood that produce films that revolve around the Indian culture. All of these Production companies emerged to produce and distribute films to their vast audiences.

The Social, Cultural, Economic and Political environments of the 1920s were very different from today. The Political state of the world saw changes. The world was recovering from the First World War. In the US, 3 Republican Presidents were elected and focused on the business expansion (Politics in the 1920s, 2019). The 18th Amendment that prohibited the making, selling, possession and consumption of alcohol was enforced but revoked in 1933. The Ku Klux Klan was implementing the power of white supremacy. (Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History, 2019).

The development of technology started to increase throughout the decade. The introduction of the refrigerator, radios, telephones and washing machines were all the new household product that everybody needed and wanted. The likelihood of people buying an automobile increase with new forms of payments, instalment plans and loans start to appear. These items began to make life easier. Less time working and for time to yourself. (1920's Society. 2019).


The audience were accepting, Falling in love with the stars of their favourite films. During the silent film era, People were sitting in cinema halls and palaces. Live music played by a piano or an orchestra playing from a script of music. With the introduction of soundtracks, audiences demanded more. Production companies saw the popularity of the first "talkies" film and increase production as they saw an opportunity for a valuable market. Entrepreneurs rusted to build cinemas that could house 5000 plus people across North America and Europe. The Capitol Theater in New York became the biggest, seating 8000 people in 1921. Five years before "Talkies" were introduced (1920's Movies 2019).

There where some studios that didn't believe that talkies would take over. Knowing that the silent films would be permanent. Till the release of "The Jazz Singer" in 1927. By the end of 1929 Silent film was dying out, making way for the new era of Cinema.


The "Talkies" film era was a new means of media. The film studio's rushed to get their hands on new technology to stay in the market. This development brought forth a range of good and bad changes.

Production companies listening to responses had to change the actors due to the ascents that the foreign actors had (Talking Motion Pictures. 2012). The Production companies also had to construct a new filming studio with the necessary equipment, spaces, and employees to develop the next project. The Vitaphone introduce a range of requirements to account before the completion of a film. Things included soundproof rooms, better Microphones, Cameras Casin and. Larger working studios. The Cost started to build, and eventually, companies began to build dept. (Dirks, T. 2010-19).

The community had to make adjustments according to the time too. Cinema's built for different populations due to segregation. As more and more film had sound embedded, Musician's and live Orchestra performer's left the theatre halls. Governments introduce road rules and regulations due to increased motor traffic and infrastructure. In 1922 William Hays created the Motion Picture Distribution Association of America (MPAA), and by 1930 Hays began the Production Code of moral censorship guidelines. In 1968 the modern voluntary rating system inborn, brought by the new President Jack Valenti.

Audiences grew accustomed to the new talkies film that author Robert Sklar wrote "talking audiences for silent picture became the silent audience for talking pictures."(Movie-Made America,1994). (Talking Motion Pictures. n.d).


Soft and Hard Skills

Hards Skills

Microphone operation / Acoustic Analysis / Film knowledge / Phonautograph knowledge / Cable Management / Studio Setup / Sound requirements /

Soft Skills

Creativity / Commitment / Eagerness / Self-Educated / Confidence / Communication / Adaptability / Organisation / Time Management / Punctual / Problem solving / Patience / Negotiation / Leadership / Independent / Co-operation /

The introduction of the Vitaphone introduced new requirements for the continued production of talking films. Things like soundproof studios, Microphone, New cameras and lighting equipment. Employees begin training for the operation of new sound equipment. The construction of cinema halls and palaces. The MPAA to regulate the content. All of these influenced the growth and sustained the film industry. The Soft and Hard skills were all developed and consumed to make the Vitaphone a device that would change the way that we viewed films today.

Lee de Forest would have to have a great deal in confidence, eagerness, Patience, creativity and organisation to get the Vitaphone working. When the Warner Brothers were first using the device, they would have had all of those soft skills, plus more. Trust, Communication, Punctual and Leadership to drive the device to the era of necessity and acceptance.



Suppose I were to try what Lee de Forest, the Company AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph Company) and the Warner Brothers did in 1926. I would indeed need all the help I can get. Before I came to this school, I only know a fraction of what I know now. The things I do know would be sound requirements and film Knowledge. The rest l would have to outsource the learning or self educate.

The soft skills are different. I Believe in a healthy mind and heart. So the ability for Problem Solving, Organisation, Commitment and Patience I know I possess, and continue to get stronger. The key areas are Phonautograph knowledge, Acoustic Analyst, Communication, Negotiation, Confidence would all contribute to the short-lived success of the Vitaphone. Believe me when I tell you that l am working on improving the state of my Soft and Hard Skills. Given a chance to change the world of Cinema, I would jump that the challenge. I would commit to my research, learning and development and contribute to the film industry, which is my plan for the future.



Dirks, T. (2019). Film History of the 1920s. Retrieved from the start of the talkie film era.

History. (2019). Retrieved 21 June 2019, from

Ku Klux Klan | Definition & History. (2019). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 21 June 2019, from

Movies, radio, and sports in the 1920s. (2019). Retrieved from audience in Cinema

Politics in the 1920s. (2019). Retrieved 21 June 2019, from

Talking Motion Pictures. (n.d). Retrieved 21 June 2019, from (2019). Time. Retrieved 21 June 2019, from the first sound recording and the device

Tinubu, A. (2018). Movie Theaters and Cinema Through The Decade. Retrieved from Cinema in 1920.

The 6 oldest film production companies (2015) )

What Was the First Movie Ever Made?. (2017). Heads Up by Boys' Life. Retrieved 21 June 2019, from

1920's Movies. (2019). Retrieved 21 June 2019, from

1920's Politics. (2019). Retrieved 21 June 2019, from Politics in the 1920s

1920's Society. (2019). Retrieved 21 June 2019, from Social changes in the 1920s

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