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The Post Punk Revival Scene

Updated: Sep 22, 2020

For a long time, most of my music taste is that from the 90s, 00s and 10s topping charts from local radio stations and the weekend TV show Top Hits on channel Ten. But the more l listened to the popular stuff the more I wondered what was out there, that is skipped or overlooked based on style and genre. But at the time l didn't look and l was happy with what l had, and most of the music was great. I did find some greats band after browsing Youtube and iTunes like Chvrches, Ruelle, Halsey, Holy Holy, Floria Cash and many others. The more I found the more I started to enjoy music and appreciate the vast array of Genres and Sub-genre that many bands devote to their musical sound.

While the music was interesting, the music found in films and Tv shows was even more so. The Key was that most on the music applied to the moving pictures was different, it was something that was I haven't heard before, from bands l didn't even know existed. bands like Metric, The Strokes, Bloc Party and Two Door Cinema Club. A band of which is the topic of this analysis. I found Two Door Cinema Club while bingeing YouTube for new music, I saw the video thumbnail and thought it looks cool. After listening to it a few times l started to enjoy the band l started to look into the genres and style that the band use to make their sound. I discovered that they are a mix of different Rock genres, like Indie rock, Dance Pop and Post Punk revival.

Igniting my interest in the genre, I started to look into the structures, styles and forms of the genre to better under the music as a whole. Here l will touch on the history of the music's emergence, the structures of songs and its musical contents and link them to an example from the band's songs. Without any further delay, let's jump in.



In a time where Post-Punk bands ruled a domain in the mid-80s and 90s other bands started to experiment with the style and characteristics of punk. Adding new features and techniques while striping back guitar lines to create something new. In the US and UK, bands started to reimagine the Post Punk scene. This created a new sub-genre called Post Punk Revival, also known as New wave revival and Garage Rock Revival to the styles of punk but branch it into a new style of its own. The new sub-genre developed in the late 90s to the early 00s eternising the same characteristics of punk themes while being influenced by other styles from blues through to new wave and grunge, while also adding new lyrical content and pop-rock themes. This is where the term post-punk revival came in to play to describe the styles that the bands played.

The bands also continued the style and themes associated with appearances of previous post-punk rock bands, energetic live performances and sticking to the aesthetic of clothing and hairstyle of their fan base. Things like skinning ties, white belts and stag haircuts from the 50s and 60s have influenced the styles of appearance. The genre also remained to the traditional believes and rock authenticity connected to the Post Punk genre and its initial iconoclastic stance.



I will be focusing on the Band call two Door Cinema Club, looking that their earlier stuff from the 2010s. Two Door Cinema Club uses the same song structure as many other bands in their related genre. They follow the:

Intro, Verse, Chorus, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, Outro

Structure, with alternation in structure appearing in a number of other songs. Each section of the song builds and developments with addition instruments making the song interesting, with the bridge bring forward the underlying tones forward to make the final section more captivating and playful.

The instrumentation in their song, particularly the 3 listed in this analysis uses a bass guitar, 2 Electric guitars one for melody and other for lead, drums and synths to build their interesting sounds. This instrumentation in common for Indie Rock and punk rock genres but the use of synths add the element of new style electric music production and sounds.



  • Lyrics builds using characteristics from post-punk band

The revival added the gloomier sound of post-punk to pop-oriented indie rock. but still, use the element of distorted guitar sounds.

The music is constructed with an emphasis on melodic bass lines, a dominant 'live' drum sound, occasional use of synthesisers and often elaborated, interlocking guitar work. It differs from post-punk as the acts usually make use of clean, modern production instead of maintaining the do-it-yourself ethics of post-punk and experimental tendencies are virtually nonexistent, which separates the revival from original post-punk. The revival added the gloomier sound of post-punk to pop-oriented indie rock.



Two Door Cinema Club is a mix of multiple musical genres with each song incorporating elements from each. Within these songs, there is a clear indication that they have incorporated elements for the Post-punk revival music genre. The use of melodic baselines and elaborated, interlocking guitar work is clear and makes for an interesting combination for their sound of music.

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